Concert: Harri Kuusijärvi, electronically extended accordion

Image: Ella Kiviniemi

Event Introduction

Accordionist Harri Kuusijärvi will perform at the Kirpilä Art Collection on the opening night of the Helsinki Festival. Kuusijärvi has explored accordion music with an exceptionally wide angle. He is known for his open-minded projects that expand traditional notions of what the accordion can do as an instrument. In recent years he has concentrated especially on electroacoustic possibilities of the instrument. Kuusijärvi is the Accordionist of the Year 2023, chosen by Finnish Accordion Association. In 2020 Kuusijärvi was nominated for the Teosto Prize, one of the most noteworthy art prizes in the Nordic countries. He has also been nominated for the Teosto Prize in 2020 and in the Classical Category at the Emma Gala in 2021.

Kuusijärvi’s free concert at the Kirpilä Art Collection on Thursday, August 15, from 6 PM to 7 PM, will feature music he has composed for an electronically enhanced accordion, an area he has delved into in recent years. Secure your spot through the museum’s online store. A limited number of tickets will also be available at the door.


Visual arts, Gallery / museum, Inside, Music

Event Information

  • Time:

    • 18:00–19:00

  • Organiser:

    Taidekoti Kirpilä

  • Address:

    Taidekoti Kirpilä
    Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 7
    00260 Helsinki

  • Accessibility:

    The event is not accessible with a wheelchair.

    The event does not have an accessible toilet.

  • Event language:


  • Tickets:

    The event is free of charge

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