Hustle and bustle in Tiukula

Event Introduction

Join the now traditional, hilarious Hustle and bustle in Tiukula event organised by Save the Children! The programme will include a hobbyhorse track, circus fun, face painting, crafts workshop, balloons and great food. There will also be a magic show. 


Circus, For kids, Outside, Visual arts, Inside

Event Information

  • Time:

    • 17:00–19:30

  • Organiser:

    Pelastakaa Lapset ry

  • Address:

    Save the Children (Pelastakaa Lapset ry)
    Koskelantie 38
    00610 Helsinki

  • Accessibility:

    The event is accessible with a wheelchair.

    The event has an accessible toilet.

  • Event language:


  • Tickets:

    The event is free of charge

  • Links:

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