Sept Papillons

Event Introduction

Dancer Ada Freund and cellist Joanna Hanhikoski combine different art forms and different senses. On the Night of the Arts, they will perform Kaija Saariaho’s work for solo cello, Sept Papillons (2000), approaching its seven butterflies from different multi-arts perspectives.


Inside, Music, Dance

Event Information

  • Time:

    • 19:00–19:15

  • Organiser:

    Töölön kaupunginosat - Töölö ry

  • Address:

    Hietsun paviljonki
    Hiekkarannantie 9
    00100 Helsinki

  • Accessibility:

    The event is accessible with a wheelchair.

    The event has an accessible toilet.

  • Tickets:

    The event is free of charge

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