UrbanApa x Stoa

Image: Kuva | Photo: Kansallisgalleria | Finnish National Gallery / Hannu Pakarinen

Event Introduction

The UrbanApa x Stoa festival on the Night of the Arts will feature amazing contemporary art performances by artists from diverse backgrounds, and guests will be able to enjoy dance, performances and other shows. The performances will be in Finnish and English, but most of them do not require knowledge of any language.

Check out the whole programme on the UrbanApa website!


Circus, Performance, For young people, Installation / exhibition, Inside, Theatre, Music, Dance

Event Information

  • Time:

    • 13:00–22:00

  • Organiser:

    UrbanApa ry

  • Address:

    Turunlinnantie 1
    00900 Helsinki

  • Accessibility:

    The event is accessible with a wheelchair.

    The event has an accessible toilet.

  • Event language:

    Finnish, English

  • Tickets:

    The event is free of charge

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