Ääneen open doors

Kuva: Äanen Lumo

Tapahtuman esittely

Taiteiden yönä pääset vierailemaan uusissa tiloissamme kaikille avoimessa tapahtumassa. Tule kuuntelemaan helsinkiläisten äänitaiteen yhteisöjen luomaa elävää musiikkia, kokemaan äänitaideteoksia, jammailemaan tai vain nauttimaan yhteisöllisestä tunnelmasta.

After a number years working towards a possible common space for the experimental sonic arts, Äänen Lumo is about to inaugurate Ääneen (working name) a pilot project in the heart of industrial Vallila, a community-driven, non-profit, DIY venue dedicated to sound art and experimental sonic practices. The large venue, financed by Kone Foundation and the city of Helsinki, will be hosting shared festivals, community events, workshops and more, and will officially open doors in the fall.
Come join us on the night of the arts for an open door event where you can have a sneak peek of the new venue. You can listen to live music from the network of sonic communities of Helsinki, see some sonic exhibitions, participate to a jam session or just enjoy Ääneen communal atmosphere.

Äänen Lumo was born almost 30 years ago at the initiative of a small group of sound artists and experimental musicians. Naturally the shape of the association reflected the context in which it was formed as a vessel to curate and diffuse Finnish sound art, a very marginal practice at the time. The field was still strongly related to classic ideas of public/artists distinction, as well as top/down curatorial practices. Twenty five years later, the association, still an important reference point within a much more
articulated field, has initiated a long term project of reform, in order to shift the accent, from traditional curatorial and diffusion practices, to those of community building and intra-communities networking. Some of the guidelines of this reform, as threads detected within the field itself have been: questioning power structures and gate-keeping practices, commoning, removing access obstacles to non-mainstream artistic activities with loose distinction between “producers” and “audiences”, horizontal knowledge sharing in the form of workshops and other peer learning events etc.


Avoimet ovet & kierrokset, Sisällä, Performanssi, Osallistu, Musiikki

Tapahtuman tiedot

  • Aika:

    • 19:00–00:00

  • Järjestäjä:

    Äänen Lumo

  • Osoite:

    Ääneen. 2. krs
    Nokiantie 2-4
    00510 Helsinki

  • Esteettömyys:

    Tapahtumaan on esteetön pääsy pyörätuolilla.

    Tapahtumassa ei ole esteetöntä WC:tä.


  • Esityskieli:

    Suomi, englanti

  • Liput:

    Tapahtuma on maksuton

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