
Tapahtuman esittely

Tule nauttimaan illasta intiimin, improvisoidun ja tunnelmaan keskittyvän ambient-musiikin parissa. Tarjolla on myös vähäkofeiinista tai kofeiinitonta teetä, jonka voimalla jaksat läpi Taiteiden yön 2024. Patrick Chang (eli Chino Problemo) luo iltaan generatiivista ambient-musiikkia, josta voit piipahtaa nauttimaan oman aikataulusi mukaan.

We’ll be opening our doors for an evening of intimate improvised ambient music paired with relaxing low/no caffeine teas to carry you through the Night of the Arts 2024. Patrick Chang (aka Chino Problemo) will be playing a generative ambient set throughout the evening that you can flow in and out of as you feel.

Part jazz drummer, part data scientist, part tea artisan, Patrick Chang seamlessly weaves his various identities into his ever changing music. With his background in jazz drumming and a penchant for experimenting with electronic sounds, he creates visual and auditory time machines capturing the sound and feelings of specific time and places. His previous projects range from generative ambient pieces using field recordings from his tea field explorations as the co-founder of Nari Tea, to improvised experimental electronic drum sessions with local musicians at the Myymälä2 art gallery in Helsinki. He is currently working on a project under the alias “Chino Problemo” – exploring the themes of belonging and longing, otherness and acceptance, through the cacophony and mellifluous sounds that arise from their intersection.


Avoimet ovet & kierrokset, Musiikki

Tapahtuman tiedot

  • Aika:

    • 19:30–21:00

  • Järjestäjä:

    Nari Tea

  • Osoite:

    Nari Tea Lab 
    Toinen linja 13
    00530 Helsinki

  • Esteettömyys:

    Tapahtumaan on esteetön pääsy pyörätuolilla.

    Tapahtumassa ei ole esteetöntä WC:tä.

  • Esityskieli:


  • Liput:

    Tapahtuma on maksuton

  • Linkit:

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