Art Gifts: Open Source

Keep sharing the gift of art

The Helsinki Festival team presented Art Gifts in August 2020. We are now open sourcing the concept and code.


A big thanks to the 20 artists who performed and the 300 Helsinkians who ordered Art Gifts, to Counterpoint for designing and developing the app with our Helsinki Festival team, and to our media partner Helsingin Sanomat.

How the Art Gift app works:

Art Gifts at Helsinki Fest 2020:

Art Gifts around the world

7–8 November 2020 | Reykjavik Arts Festival, Reykjavik, Iceland | read more

19–20 December 2020 | Reykjavik Arts Festival, all around Iceland | read more

4–8 June 2021 | Bergen International Festival, Bergen, Norway | read more

12–13 June 2021 | City of Vantaa, Finland | read more

18–19 June 2021 | Cork Midsummer Festival, Cork, Ireland | read more


Photo: Saara Autere